CPL - IR ME SE - MCC - ATPL Frozen - FI

Publié le par Fly with Jabir Aviation



Aeroplane Commercial Pilot


Single & Multi Engine Instrument Rated


on following Types:

SEP aero planes: C150/C152/C172/C182/TB9/BE77/TB10/DA40D/DR400/PA28

MEP aero planes: PA34/DA42

MCC Performed on B737-200 FSTD-A FFS 6-Axis


FI(A): Single Engine Aircrafts Flight Instructor


 Additional Services

for any pilot air service offer

Fly with Jabir Aviation®
Belgian company specialised in Aviation Partnership, Commercial Pilots Positioning and Services, Handling (operated in jointly with specialized company), Air Taxi , Landing / Over Flying Permissions , Fuel , Hotel Accomodation , Air Cargo
withing European and North Africa Countries

Mobile: +32499179352 or mailto:jabir@flywithjabir.net

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